My Blog Experience So Far

As the year is coming to an end, I wanted to sum up my experience of making this blog so far. This is the first “blog” I’ve ever had and updated regularly, and it has been a pretty nice experience so far. I had some experience writing movie reviews in high school for newspaper, but it has been nice to have the freedom to write about anything and everything that I want to on a blog. I watch a lot of movies and enjoy writing about them, what I liked and didn’t like about them, and whether or not I’d recommend them. I also enjoy taking the pictures for them, and trying to recreate the movie poster or a scene from the movie with the DVD in the frame.

It was tough at first to promote each of my blog posts on social media because I’m pretty shy and the thought of advertising my writing for the whole online world to read was pretty nerve-racking. That’s another thing I liked about creating this blog: it took me out of my comfort zone in a couple of areas. I think promoting my posts on Twitter was a good start, but, having only 35 all-time views, I think I would need to expand to other social media platforms to reel in more traffic. I think creating this blog will be beneficial in the future because I have an idea of how to create a website, how often content needs to be uploaded, what quality that content needs to be, and how to promote it on social media with a Call to Action. These skills could be necessary for numerous Mass Communication jobs, or any job really.

Although my blog has only had 35 total visits, it’s still cool to see that some people have seen my content. My most viewed week was the week of Oct. 1 with eight views. My most viewed page was just the homepage where all of the movie reviews are, followed by my Drillbit Taylor movie review with four views. Just starting my blog, I’m not expecting many views. I actually prefer it that way for now, until I can get some feedback on my posts and how to make them better. But overall, it has been an interesting experience so far and a fun way to share my love of movies with others.





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