Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure Movie Review – 4/5 stars

Strange things are afoot at the Circle K

Two high school students, Bill (Alex Winter) and Ted (Keanu Reeves), aspire to create a band called the Wyld Stallions, even though they don’t even know how to play any instruments. This goal is put in jeopardy when Bill and Ted discover they are failing history class and Ted’s dad threatens to send him to military school in Alaska. To pass the class, they must get an A+ on their final oral history project. Rufus, a time traveler from a future where society came together in peace because of Bill and Ted’s music, is tasked with helping Bill and Ted by providing them with a time travelling phone booth. With this, Bill and Ted travel throughout history and bring back famous historical figures, including Napoleon, Billy the Kid, Socrates, Sigmund Freud, Ludwig van Beethoven, Joan of Arc, Genghis Khan, and Abraham Lincoln, so they can ace their history project and keep the future intact.

First off, this movie was excellent and most outstanding. I actually had second thoughts about watching it for the first 10 minutes, but stuck with it and it turned out to be hilarious and well worth the watch. It was hilarious in a “wow, this is ridiculous” and “what am I watching” sort of way. I enjoyed the Californian-surfer-dude way that Bill and Ted talked and their bodacious in-sync air guitars, but it’s definitely a movie you need to be in the right mindset to fully enjoy. And despite all the dumb comedy, there were also some good morals and emotional scenes that really made it shine. This movie was a nice surprise and, considering it’s a cult classic, you should check it out too. It’s available now on Amazon Prime Video and Hulu.

“Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure” was released February 17, 1989, and according to IMDb it made $6 million opening weekend and $40 million gross USA. It reminded me a lot of “Dude, Where’s My Car?” with a very similar style of humor, but I enjoyed the overall story of Bill and Ted’s more. I would rate this movie 4 out of 5 stars and definitely recommend checking it out if you haven’t seen it yet. Throughout the movie, I found it hard to believe that Ted was played by the same actor who played in “The Matrix” and “John Wick”, but it was cool to see Keanu Reeves in such a stark contrast to his usual role. I loved seeing all the historical figures set loose in a present day (1989) mall and Napoleon going to a waterpark. This was just a fun movie with silly comedy and I would definitely recommend giving it a watch.

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